Paying Off Your New Car Loan
Want to find out how long it could take to pay off that car you’ve always wanted? Use our Car Loan Repayment Calculator by adjusting the amount, loan term and interest rate to estimate what your repayments might be.
Loan Amount
Enter the amount you would like to borrow.
How many years do you want to take to repay the loan?
Interest Rate
You can increase or decrease the interest rate to understand the affect on your repayments and total interest.
Repayment Type
Extra Repayment
Enter the extra amount you plan to make for every repayment
Offset Account
Enter the amount in the account you wish to use to offset your interest payments.
Lump Sum
Enter the lump sum about you plan to make against the loan.
Lump Sum Year
Enter the year you plan to make the lump sum payment.