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Tax Debt FAQs

How much will a Tax Debt Solution cost?

The costs vary but there is no charge for the initial consultation with one of our financial professionals. You are under no obligation to proceed at this point. If you choose to do so though we will be totally transparent and upfront about the cost of resolving your tax challenges. Our prices are reasonable and fair, so you don’t have to worry about any surprises or hidden costs.

Will the tax office come after me personally for my company’s tax debt?

No, as long as you act early.

In some circumstances, directors can be held personally liable for their company’s superannuation and BAS debts owed to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The ATO can seek to make a director personally liable for these debts under an ATO director penalty notice. Appointing a liquidator or administrator to your company can avoid personal liability for these debts:

  • for periods where a debt remains unpaid, the respective BAS or superannuation guarantee charge statements have been lodged on time; and
  • a director penalty notice hasn’t been issued or, if it has been issued, an administrator or liquidator is appointed within 21 days of the date of the notice.
  • Director penalty notices are issued to the director’s personal residence, which is recorded with ASIC, so it’s important you keep your details up to date.
    • In our experience, while the ATO is keen to recover money owed, the primary reason for issuing a director penalty notice is to encourage a company that’s not meeting its lodgement and/or payment obligations to deal with it promptly.

      So, if your company isn’t meeting its obligations, and you want to avoid a director penalty notice, deal with your company’s situation before the ATO forces you to.

What do I do if i receive a Directors Penalty Notice(DPN)?

You have 21 days to take action from the date of the DPN before the ATO can/may take action against you to recover the penalty amount.

If you're unable to pay your debt with the ATO it's important you act swiftly and either reach out to your lawyer, or our qualified team of financial professionals at Revive Financial

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